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Mission, Scope, and Practice

Organizational Mission

The Mission of the Naples Marine Safety Division is to provide proactive education to the recreational boating community, reactive enforcement of the rules and ordinances of the Town of Naples and laws of the State of Maine and emergency response in the event of a marine related emergency within the territorial waters of the Town of Naples.

Current Scope

The Naples Marine Safety provides proactive response patrols for the waters of Long Lake, Brandy Pond, Songo River, Trickey Pond, North End of Sebago Lake, Muddy River and the Bay of Sebago. The unit’s primary responsibility is for the safety and security of the recreational boating community while in jurisdictional waters. Naples Marine Safety Division provides educational enforcement as well as emergency rescue in the event of a water emergency. Naples Marine Safety works in partnership with the Maine Inland Fish and Wildlife Division, Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Naples Fire Department.

Current Practice

Through training, education and practice all Naples Marine Safety Division members shall remain current in education and response operations. All members shall support the Mission and Scope of the Division when operating as a municipal official and in public. Division members will follow the Chain of Command and unit policies/procedures as assigned. All Division members will treat all individuals of the public and other agencies with respect and dignity. You are the ambassadors of the Lakes Region Waterways!